Get ready to bust some IPPONs!

Meet Busterpumkin, a variety streamer and one of our newest Ninjala Ambassadors! She is always willing to challenge herself and ready for Ninjala battles! Read what Busterpumkin’s goals are as a content creator and what keeps her motivated!


How did you start your career as a streamer and what kind of streams do you do?
My first stream was in January 2019 when I played Arena of Valor and Overwatch on somebody's computer, with a few random games here and there. That's how I got to play Ninjala, just me looking for random games, little did I know it was taking over. Right now I play Ninjala, Pokemon Unite, Fall Guys, Fortnite, and maybe some scary games.

What is your favorite GungHo game?
My favorite GungHo game is Ninjala. I first learned about Ninjala at E3 and I have been playing ever since. I love playing this game because I enjoy meeting new people. When playing, it can sometimes be intense, but I always love a challenge. Also, I enjoy Emoting and chilling with other people.

Do you have any tips for someone who just started playing Ninjala?
My advice for anyone new is that there are people who just want to win very badly, but there are also people who just like to chill, have a good time and day. Just be you, that's what I do.

How did you become a GungHo America Ambassador and what do you like the most about it?
How did I become a GungHo America Ambassador? That is a very good question. If I'm being honest, I just play the games that I love a lot. It just so happened that I play Ninjala a lot. I like being an Ambassador because I get to play games with players, and give them advice, tips, and tricks. I love helping people, and being an Ambassador allows me to continue helping players.

Do you have any goals as a streamer/GungHo America Ambassador? What are your motivations for streaming?
One day I want to be a full-time streamer, just having a good time and day with my streams, having the best time of our lives.

My goals as a GungHo America Ambassador are to make new friends and to continue to play their current and new games with the GungHo community.

My motivation for streaming is just seeing and hearing my viewers. Having a good time and day just keeps me going, knowing that they love what I love to play. It doesn't matter if I don't play a certain popular game, they still show up no matter what game I play. I love my viewers and I'm very happy with the viewers that I have. I wouldn't be here without you good sirs!!!

Any advice for someone who wants to become a streamer?
For someone who wants to start streaming, I would just learn the basics. First see if you like to stream, you never know if you'll change your mind. Lastly, just be you and have a good time.

Want to learn more about Busterpumkin? Follow her social media and channels to never miss her streams!
Twitter / Twitch / Instagram / YouTube


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