Yo, Senpai! Momoko told me that those weird lookin' jack-o-lantern mushrooms are back for this spooky season!
Event Period: 9/27/2021 (Post maintenance) – 11/25/2021 (01:59 PST)
1) Pumpkinshrooms are Back!
Yo, Senpai!
Momoko told me that those weird lookin’ jack-o-lantern mushrooms are back for this spooky season! They come in bronze, silver, and gold flavors. If you happen to come across one, be sure to snag it while they are still available!
2) Special Autumn Quests Available!
Event Period: 9/27/2020 (Post maintenance) – 11/25/2021 (01:59 PST)
During the event period, there will be special quests available; including ones to collect Pumpkinshrooms! Check out the Quests at the Hated Arcade or SUPER SCOPE 703 for further details!
How to accept Quests:
By entering the Vanishing Point in the middle of your Waiting Room (the fountain), you will be transported to the HATED ARCADE. There, by talking to Naomi Detox, you can accept Quests from the device next to her. You can also accept quests by using the SUPER SCOPE 703 in your Waiting Room.
It is possible to accept up to 10 quests at a time.
A quest will remain accepted until it is completed or the completion date passes.
- Please note that event duration and content may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.