Domain Expansion: JUJUTSU KAISEN X Ninjala!

Beginning 3/10, you’re trapped in our domain, Ninjas… the domain of Jujutsu Sorcery! While the WNA’s top Ninjas may have gained their power by learning the art of Gum Ninjutsu, others practiced Cursed Techniques, honing their craft in the shadows… until now! 

As worlds collide, you may want to adapt your style to prove yourself top Ninja (or Sorcerer). Available in the collab are new Emotes inspired by iconic Jujutsu techniques, including:

Like with previous Emotes, some even damage foes–it’s said the most skilled can use them not only to seal away spirits, but to land IPPONs as well!

Players can also don outfits and avatar items styled after fan-favorite collab characters:

Shinobi Shop 

Collab Gumball Machine Gacha